Mimir Paper Shop

Hi , I am Alo Dutt, founder of this print design shop Mimir. So happy you dropped by! I am a professional graphic designer and have a decade long experience in Lowe Lintas, one of India’s storied advertising agencies. I love aesthetics and my travels and literature background colour my vision for all my products. I love the vintage and the quirky, the pastels and the bright tones! I seek to create beautiful and functional products for adults and kids. From curating my daughter’s birthday parties to designing custom activity books as return gifts, I have enjoyed doing it all! And encouraged by family and friends started this long overdue design journey!

I am inspired by the realities of life today, in which the traditional divides between personal and professional space are more fluid. What I admire about art is the unexpected, the originality, and the wonderful dynamism in the world of design reflecting the spirit of the time and what’s happening right now.

Trends are constantly changing in the art and design world and I take pride in moving with the trends. Each product is curated with love, attention and thought. And a relentless focus on quality and attention to detail.

Be sure to check in soon again as I keep adding new designs to the collection. This is my happy space.

You are welcome to drop me your suggestions or comments.

Hope you enjoy the site!